Sponsorship Opportunities

Leverage our growing community of BAs to share industry best practices and tools! To become a sponsor, please contact us at marketing@columbusoh.iiba.org and our Marketing Team will contact you.

Chapters advance the mission and objectives of the IIBA® by promoting professional standards and practices at the local level. Ongoing professional development is a key benefit to membership and is supported at the chapter level through supporting and sponsoring numerous activities, meetings, and educational programs throughout the year.

Benefits of Sponsorship

Sponsoring the IIBA® will increase and improve your corporate identity with business analysis professionals in the Columbus, Ohio area, and help you to attract qualified candidates when you have new opportunities.

You will demonstrate to your workforce, or customers, that you are dedicated to the development of the knowledge and skills required of business analysis professionals.

Premier Sponsorship

As a way to help launch new chapters, the IIBA® implemented a Premier Chapter Sponsorship program. One organization is selected annually by the Chapter Board of Directors as their Premier Sponsor. This sponsor provides funds and/or facilities for the Chapter, such as space and refreshments for meetings, administration costs, etc.

Each chapter signs an agreement with the Premier Sponsor defining the sponsorship fees and responsibilities of the Premier Sponsor and the Chapter. The sponsorship fee stays with the local chapter, helping them to provide information and networking opportunities to business analysts in the area.

In return, the Premier Sponsor is listed on the Chapter’s web page with the company logo and is entitled to the following benefits:

  • Community visibility as the Chapter Premier Sponsor

  • Exposure on the Chapter web site as the Chapter Premier Sponsor

  • Recognition on marketing materials and newsletters provided by the chapter

  • Recognition at the chapter meetings

Patron Sponsorship

If you are not able to provide full sponsorship for a chapter, you may still help by being a Chapter Patron Sponsor. Patron Sponsors provide individual contributions, either monetary or in-kind, to defray specific expenses, such as printing or advertising. Patron Sponsors may also assist with supporting specific events or chapter meetings.

In return, the Patron Sponsor’s company name and logo will be identified on such donations and on the chapter’s web site. If the Patron Sponsor is supporting a specific event or chapter meeting, time will be made available during the event to formally introduce the Patron Sponsor and thank them for their support to the chapter.

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